On Sunday we headed to the meeting spot to see Marco and David at 9AM as we arranged. We saw them on the distance and they were playing with the butterfly net, when we finally got close David said: "we got eight!". So I said wow that's really good let me see. I went through the envelopes and check every specimen and in fact they all were Battus! Matt was also really impressed by the kids' butterfly collecting skills. While talking to them we saw a couple other Battus flying by but we couldn't catch them. We told them they could keep the net and payed them a bit more, we payed them $96 Lempiras.
In our conversation they mentioned that some of their family members had traveled illegally to the US and were working in construction and other low wage jobs. I told them: "guys finish school and then go to college, it's very important and do what you love. If you want to be an artist be an artist, if you want to be a nurse be a nurse, don't fall for what the other people says about professions and money, you gotta a do what you love. Keep collecting and learning about butterflies, we will keep your contact info and whenever any of our colleagues heads down here again you may work for them. Stay in your country and get a degree in something you like, and then you may go abroad, you will see that it's worth it believe me. They agreed. We shook hands and we say good bye...
Hola hijo: Me puse al día con tu blog, la verdad todas las cosas uqe narras son únicas y muy emocionantes. Acuérdate de ofrecer a dios todo tu día al levantarte y darle gracias al acostarte
buen consejo!
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